Established in 1895, W.A. Fingles opened its doors in Downtown Baltimore City, Maryland. Early work focused on architectural construction and sheet metal products, but over the years the company steadily grew and diversified. By 1946, W.A. Fingles reorganized itself as The Fingles Company and was operating its manufacturing through a 25,000 square foot facility it had custom built. They completed projects for Churches, Schools, Industrial facilities, Automotive Plants for Ford and General Motors, and Government buildings such as The U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.
Having worked for The Fingles Company for over a decade, London J. Anthony rebranded and claimed the company as his own in 1999. With his experience from managing multimillion dollar automotive projects, fabrication and installation of architectural work, and performing custom work for many of the local industrial plants, Fingles continued to evolve. Today, Fingles Metalworks, offers fabrication and installation for various sectors including Industrial, Architectural, Miscellaneous Metals, Elevator and Escalator, and Artisan work.
Under London’s guidance the focus of work has shifted from 125 years ago but the pride behind our work has not. Our work builds relationships while profits take a backseat to our reputation, safety, and quality. Over the last 20 plus years the Fingles Metalworks team has taken great pride in its craftsmanship and has built long lasting customer relationships across the many industries it serves. Today, the company is being stewarded with the help of more than 40 exceptional employees and family members, Troy D. Shewell and Ryley C. Anthony.